Monday, February 24, 2014

Top Four

I have many things in my life that are very important to me.  It's difficult to choose just a few.

One are my sketchbooks and my ability to draw.  I spend a lot of my time drawing and it's a big part of my plan for the future.  Without it, much of my aspirations would be pointless.

Another is anime and  roleplay.  A large number of my friends I've met online are linked to me through likeing the same anime or we decided to roleplay together one day.  It's a big part of my home life and how I spend most of my time there.

The third very important thing I'll decide to list is Vic Mignogna.  He's become a big role model for me and I adore him in very many ways.  He's inspired much of my artistic advancements and my goals for the future.   I think I'd have very different views and goals if it were not for him.

The fourth thing I'll list is my family at home.  I'm not a very social person and I prefer to be alone rather than with a large group of people most of the time.  Sure I like to get out there and be active with people, but I feel more comfortable just sitting at home, with my mom, watching some random movie she decided to rent that evening. 

And that's that.  I could go on but that's what I'll list here for now.

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