Monday, September 30, 2013

SC Pep Assembly

This previous Friday (September 27),  we had a Pep Assembly to finish off homecoming weekend on the day of homecoming.  Though it's not as fun as the year previous, I enjoyed myself :)

Choir sang the National anthem for everyone

Juniors played a game where we ran around and made shapes.  Our grade also won the tug-o-war against everyone but the teachers. 

There was also the "relay race" that the sports team did.  My favorite part had to be Ethan Perry face planting into whipped cream to get the gumballs inside.  It was kinda right in front of me, so it was really amusing. 

Something like they did last year would be great.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Dressing for Spirit Week 2013

This week is Spirit Week up here in Sand Creek!  I didn't really dress up much other than "To the Nine's" day.  I would have dressed up for Pajama day but I was absent.

Yesterday was Western Day.  There were a lot of cowboys!  My friend Durand went all out in an old-timey outfit based on a railroad owner.

Today is Camoflague day.  Lot's of people are all dressed up.  Durand and fellow reenactors came in reenacting costumes.  Durand was in full "uniform."  It was pretty awesome.

Tomorrow is Green & White day, or basically School Colors/Spirit day.  I'm hoping I'll be able to find something.

In the future we need to get more creative with the themes.  We need to keep pajama day...I love wearing my pajamas.  But a formal day was a little bit bland in my opinion.  Maybe something like, I don't know, Character Day.  Dress up as a fictional character?  I don't know.

image source

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A Whole New Blog!

Welcome one and all to my wonderful blog!

What do you have to look forward to here?  I don't know, we'll see.  Now we're off to adventure!